For the last three days I have had the pleasure of spending time with my UK sponsors, Permajet papers and Imaging-Experts. Nikon and Shiraz Rip will come at another time.They came down on Friday, toured around Eden and then help me set up my kiosk in the Core building where I will be setting up each afternoon to edit and print out my previous nights shoot. I will have a computer, printer and monitor where everyone can see the images as I work. The idea is to engage with the public, answer questions about my work and give people a preview of the exhibition. On Saturday, I spent the day calibrating the colours on the big printer and computers that will print my exhibition.. I feel like I don't know anything. Udo Miachiels of Imaging-Experts walked in with plotters , analyzers and colour profiles and spent 2 days setting up the machines so that I will have perfect prints each time....Amazing. But now I will have perfection.. I could never have done this on my own, and these wonderful people came here and spent time to help my project be a success. How lucky I am.....
Tomorrow we are off to London for 2 days to hang an exhibition at The Garden Museum....It is bloody hectic here but great fun!
Hi Linda, great to see your work in progress. We are proud of you. I'll be reading your blog every day till you come back. You go girl!