Sunday, March 6, 2011

My favourite market

Every Thursday there is a fantastic market that takes place in Zaachila. The Zapotecs come down from the mountains to sell their wares and to meet their friends. It is bustling, colorful and full of life. All the women create beautiful displays with their fruits and vegetables and you want to buy everything. It is also an amazing place to take photos.

I like to work with a wide angle lens and get very close to people. I am always searching for unusual angles and movement to add tension to the images and to give the sense of compactness and intensity that I feel as I walk around. People are generally friendly but wary of photographers so I need to work quickly. Sometimes I pick a spot and wait for people to walk into my frame. It is a wonderful way to make interesting and dynamic compositions without being intimidated by the people themselves. I take my time, observe and wait for the right moment. It is exciting and forces me to respond to my surroundings in a very instictive way... The energy down here is fantastic!

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